- Applicant understands that the application and license is for use only in the City of Medford
- Applicant understands that the application and license fee payments are non-refundable, and are due and payable at the time of filing the application form
- Standard Operator’s (Bartender’s) licenses issued by the City of Medford are valid for a period to two years, and shall expire on June 30th in odd years
- To apply for an Operator’s (Bartender’s) license, one of the following must be provided along with your completed, signed application, and applicable fees:
- Certificate of Completion from the Responsible Service Course dated within the past two (2) years
- A current Operator’s License from another municipality in the State of Wisconsin
Temporary Licenses:
- This license is issued only to operators employed by, or donating their services to, non-profit organizations
- No person may hold more than two licenses of this kind per year
- The license is valid for any period from one (1) to fourteen (14) days, and the period for which it is valid is stated on the license
- Applicant must be at least 18 years or older for an Operator's License
- Applicant must not have a felony conviction within the last five (5) years, the offense(s) substantially relating to the alcohol beverage license activity, or be a habitual offender as defined in Wisconsin State Statutes 939.62(2). In determining habitual law offender status, the background check may go back fifteen (15) years
- Applicant has not had an OWI conviction within the past one (1) year
- Applicant has not had two or more alcohol related convictions within the past two (2) years
- Applicant does not have any criminal or ordinance convictions that are related to the license requested. These included, but are not limited, to: gambling, controlled substances, disorderly conduct, non-sufficient fund checks, battery in bar/tavern, within the past two (2) years
- Applicant does not have a possession of a controlled substance conviction within the past two (2) years
- Applicant does not have a Sale or Delivery of controlled substance conviction with the past five (5) years
- Applicant has complied with all court ordered assessments resulting from an OWI or controlled substance conviction
- Applicant does not have any pending charges, the offense(s) of which are substantially relating to the alcohol beverage license
- As part of the application process, any applicant on probation/parole will need to provide written approval from their probation agent
A criminal background records check will be conducted on all applicants by the City of Medford Police Department. This background check will include, but is not limited to: Wisconsin State Criminal History, City of Medford Police Department records, Driver’s License (CIB, NCIC, P&P, DOT), and with other law enforcement agencies where applicant previously resided. The City of Medford Police Department will make a report, and recommendation to the City Clerk on the applicant based on the above criteria. If approved, your Operator’s License will be issued and you will be notified by phone that it is ready to be picked up at City Hall during regular business hours. Please allow up to two (2) weeks for processing.
Application and fees must be returned in person to:
City of Medford
639 South Second Street
Medford, WI 54451