The City of Medford is updating its Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is to identify issues, opportunities, needs and organize public policy to address them in a manner that makes the best use of City resources. It also describes a desired future for the community over the next 20 years and establishes goals to move toward that future. The Comprehensive Plan will be used by both elected officials and City staff to assist and provide a basis for local land use decisions within the community. The City of Medford’s Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2008, and updated in 2014.
Comprehensive plans focus on land use planning but include many aspects of life in a community, including transportation, utilities, community facilities, housing, agriculture, natural and cultural resources, economic development, and intergovernmental coordination.
Why Update the City’s Comprehensive Plan?
The State of Wisconsin requires that municipalities adopt and manage a comprehensive plan if engaging in land use regulation through zoning and subdivision policies. Comprehensive Plans must be updated at least every 10-years.
Public Participation
The City’s 2025 Comprehensive Plan update will be developed with participation from the community. Visit our booth on Saturday, March 23th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Home Expo and share your thoughts on Medford’s future.
Additional Links
Spring 2024 Community Survey - Will Close July 18, 2024 at midnight